
Episode 8

Join Nataizya, Elle and Palesa as they dive into sisterhood, with special guest Njavwa Mukwavi. This episode was hilarious - and there was lots of sibling rivalry memories. Some live action sisterhood dragging with some receipts coming soon for proof. “ALL SISTERHOOD IS VALID” - we want to remind you of this because we can fall into the trap of dismissing sisters that are chosen over blood or vice versa.

Meet our guest Njavwa:

“Njavwa is a young professional working in the field of international development as a Program Officer for a foundation funding grassroots organizations across the African continent. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Child and Youth Care with a specialization in child protection, along with a Master’s degree in Globalization and a certificate in Project Management.

Her education has given her the opportunity to study the Black experience and its nuances in a variety of contexts. Working in the not-for-profit sector both in Canada and abroad in various capacities has equipped Njavwa with knowledge and skills in management, programming, stakeholder relations, and fundraising.”

LET US KNOW: how many of you remember fighting with your sisters, or wearing their clothes without permission? Also, what are some fond memories you have with your sisters (blood, chosen, friends, etc.)


Episode 9


Episode 7